What is Drastic + Dramatic

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Guess Who?

which popular movie star does my radio remind you of?


Nate Mecham said...

Em, I need you to call me today. I have lost your number, but i am going to be in town tonight. thank you.

Unknown said...

Hmmm....processing....gonna go with 'E.T.' just cause WallE isn't really a household name yet.

emilyfcutler said...

WallE? dunno what that is, but anyway, you got it! I was scared when I finally saw it.

Unknown said...

You haven't seen the posters for WallE? He's a little Disney robot. If it wasn't E.T. my next guess was a praying mantis with ADD

emilyfcutler said...

the extra detail I especially love is the beauty mark above his...lip? yeah.

Anonymous said...

...it's kind of a stretch, but your radio sort of looks like

Johnny 5 from the movie 'short circuit'.

I know, kind of a long shot.

emilyfcutler said...

you're totally right, too. that movie....oh. haven't seen it in a long time... disassemble! disassemble means death!

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