What is Drastic + Dramatic

Monday, April 18, 2005

My Webster

Every once in a while I'll find myself a word that isn't in any current dictionary (see the name of my blog...) and I really think it should be. Here are a couple of examples:

The latest:
Scandalism-how great would that be?

Smeft-blind people can't see, deaf people can't hear, smeft people can't smell...

easlier-just a slimy way of saying "more easily"

and i also think "ness" should be a word by itself, meaning exactly what it means on the end of any word as "-ness", meaning the state, quality, condition or degree of something, but sometimes it just seems so appropriate by itself.

That's all for now.


Nick Danger said...

infidelitous -adjective describing someone who cheats.

cheetle -the stuff on your fingertips after eating cheetoes

cokelets -particles og food in a drink as a result of backwash

goat-cow -a bad idea that has been acted upon or a baaaaaad mooooove

nick dangerous -adjective when something is so beyond hazardous that dangerous does not apply

Emily F said...

heh, I welcome this with all my heart. I will incorporate your unique vocabulary into my own as much as I can, if you don't mind. gotta love that goat-cow definition!

Emily F said...

hallucinize: fantasies caused not so much by the influence of your own mind...

trest: this definition will be provided by a later post that also uses the word hallucinize or hallucinization.

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